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In accordance with the project "ExcellCity: Strengthening scientific achievements and capacity for innovation in the field of smart city through twinning" and with the assistance of the University of Library Science and Information Technology (ULSIT), a career forum for students is organized with the participation of more than 40 companies and organizations in it. The forum was opened by the rector of the university - Prof. D.Sc. Irena Peteva, who expressed her excitement at the scale and great interest on the part of ULSIT graduates. She noted that the event promises to establish itself as a tradition and expressed readiness for future partnerships with potential frame users.

Among the official guests were Judge Alexander Angelov - Chairman of the Sofia District Court, Judge Violeta Parpulova - Deputy Chairman of the Sofia District Court and Head of the Criminal Division, Mihaela Ilieva - Head of the "Public Activities and Cooperation" Department in the department of justice. She works in an institute at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as Lidiya Daskalova - a junior expert in the Higher Education Directorate at the Ministry of Education and Science (MES).

More than 40 organizations took part in this year's edition of "Career Days in the Smart City", including ministries, state administration, leading IT companies, libraries, publishing houses, banks, insurance companies, non-governmental organizations and numerous private companies.

Official partners of the event were the companies IBM Bulgaria, Samex EOOD and Sugarland EOOD, whose representatives were also present. IBM and SAMEX provided catering for all participants and guests on the ground floor of the building, and Sugarland prepared specially branded gingerbread for all participating companies.

The career forum "Career Days in the Smart City" enjoys great interest from students and PhD students who come to find their niche for career fulfillment. Queues of eager students wound up the stairs leading to the hall where the official opening of the event took place.

Company representatives noted that the event provided excellent networking and career opportunities for ULSIT students. Many students shared after the forum that they found organizations where they plan to start their internship.

There was also interest in the career development stand of the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency - mainly from students studying in the specialties "Archivistics", "Library Science" and in the field of national security and cybercrimes. ULSIT graduates have expressed a desire to both participate in the internship programs of the "BTA School" and to start relevant work in the agency.

With gratitude to all participants, sponsors and partners, ULSIT as part of the ExcellCity project continues its mission to support the professional development of its students and create opportunities for them.